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Reggie Kray

The Untold Story and interview coming soon..

Over my life time I've been give the opportunity of working on cold cases from murders to missing people.

However, this chapter has become quite exceptional, due to the information regarding the notorious gangsters Ronnie and Reggie Kray, their lives and crimes while living and since their deaths in 1995 and 2000.

In 2004 first contact was made from spirit and I know these souls to be Reggie and Ronnie Kray.

At this time I was unable to give the twins any form of help in dealing with the needs that was being seeked. And frankly had no intention to do so within there world of criminal activity, and felt that these should remain silent in the grave due to their crimes.

But since 2004 , both men have been seeking my help regarding information on there lives and crimes back in the sixties constantly, Reggie Kray, being the lead, speaking the truth on all matters concerning their deaths, incarceration, murders and crimes. 

As Reggie Kray has been forthcoming with information on these matters, and that this was held within spirits control, what was to become of this. Why would the heavens allow these words to be spoken back to humanity as this has never taken place in such an open forum. (As normally is held within the families regarding the information.)

It is here I wish you to note, that I am a elite channel working within the spirit with sixty years experience, to gain information regarding life here on earth, working within government agencies to gain access to higher information on life, death and purpose for all. I laid down Agenda 21 back in the 80s which President senior George Bush signed the world into in 92. I am regarded to be the best in my field and would only honour the dead in this manner if the purpose was shown.....

1: To show for the first time in man's history of what becomes of such humans upon death, when such deeds in life are committed. As most of you believe such people go to hell, even though humanity knows nothing of what really happens and frankly has become a biblical tale of heaven and hell.... So then I need you to expect the unexpected...

2: To show that no matter who and what you are in life, by given the circumstance of your births, it does not become the making of you, and that your lives are only witnessed in a very short time line which is just a small part of the experience of what life has to offer you this time round

3: To help such souls, resolve and honour the life however lived. To gain the inside strength of the depths of the thoughts that were so carelessly thrown away. To understand the nature of being human, the true self, and why we do what we do to ourselves and others.


4: To complete the circle of life and death, to bring into being the circumstance of what deeds were done to refresh the life( return back to life) to comply to the universe of natural law that keep us bound within , live, die, repeat. And when ready to come back fully aware of a new life in all its glory.

5: To unburden the life lived to seek to expose himself to humanity to show not only his way forward within the spirit, but to help those in need. A man whom has stood the test of time, and delivered himself to the spirit, not knowing what would become of him. Would he be in hell, or would he be saved.

Reggie kray over many years visited myself regarding his life...He has spoken on..


​  The Kray family and his childhood life, The shea family, and his wife Frances, the manipulations of the women and men, to do what was asked      from them both, and the set-up marriage, just to gain publicity.

  His brother's.

  The firm dealings ,The murders, the rapes of men, both outside and within prison and the crimes that fit the punishment.

  The safe deposit boxes... (Photos, papers, contracts, reels of video, money, jewellery, gold )

  The Beatles and Brian Epstein

  Stephen Ward, Christine Keeler and the Profumo affair. Diana Dors sex parties

  His incarceration, the prison sex, the two paedophile rings which both men were invited into, and the sex parties in Ron flat.


 I have also spoken to Francis Kray, Frank Mitchell and Jack Mcvitie. Sharing their own individual stories of what took place.


This is just the tip of a mountain of information on what I possess now, as once he started talking he didn't stop!

PLEASE NOTE: In July  a video regarding the information on the twins lives was released, however it was not all of the truth, so please keep watching as I am about to expose the depths of theses evil mens live's here on earth.. coming soon... 

The Death Of Nipper Read 

The death of Nipper Read, the police officer in the Met Police London.

Since Nipper Read has been in the spirit, I asked both Reg and Ron how the situation has been since they have met him. Reg told me that Mr. Read had arrived safely into his new life, and that both he and Ron were looking to make contact before he was placed into sleep state.

Both men went to see him, to see the outcome of all their fears of being incarcerated for so many years, due to this man arresting them in 60s.

Mr. Read was somewhat taken back with being exposed to them so early on after his death, but the twins were not willing to wait any longer. Mr. Read felt no remorse towards them. He felt that both men had served their sentence with dignity and that past events should stay within the past as he had followed his job description to the letter and still felt their sentences was justified.

All men shock hands and stated that bygones should be bygones.

Reg told me that Ron was not very easy within his company, and would have liked to have said a few more discerning fitting words to this man. Reg stood in the way, knowing that all the feelings of the past must be cleared, and that both men needed to see a different viewpoint as to the reasons why so much time was placed within the wall of incarceration.

The Krays never wish to see him again.  The art of forgiveness still needs to be, but within time who knows.

To continue on revenge within the spirit, does not bring hope for man to evolve. No matter who we are, how we live these lives, forgiveness is the key to finding peace.

Both Reg and Ron are working to understand the reasons of life and adjusting to their circumstances of knowledge of the higher self and it's holy order within the soul.

After sleep state, when Mr. Read awakes, he will be given the opportunity to understand his life, just as we all do. That will be his personal choice. If he chooses to understand himself, then who knows maybe they may meet again!

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